FAQs about Hydraulic Fluids

Last week we took a look at how Hydraulic Fluids are classified. These classifications can be very helpful when determining  what product you should use in your equipment and how to balance cost, performance and protection. This week we are going to do a short Q & A regarding several of our hydraulic fluids. Please take some time to review them and let us know if you have more questions in the comments. 

Q. What ISO 6743-4 classification is the BioFlo AW Series of Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids (natural esters)?

A. The BioFlo AW-series of biodegradable hydraulic fluids meet the ISO 6743-4 class definition of an HETG.

The BioFlo AW series is also on the USDA BioPreferred Program and are classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) as per the EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)

Q. What ISO 6743-4 classification is the BioFlo AWS Series of Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids (semi-synthetic)?

A. The BioFlo AWS-series of biodegradable hydraulic fluids is a semi-synthetic and thus is a hybrid or semi-synthetic ‘blend’ meeting the ISO 6743-4 class definition of an HETG:

  • HETG = Hydraulic Environmental Triglycerides = A biodegradable (vegetable oil based) hydraulic fluid which uses triglyceride esters as the base fluid. Vegetable oils are all classified as triglyceride
  • Synthetic Esters.

The BioFlo AW series are also:

  • In the USDA BioPreferred Program
  • Classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) as per the EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)
  • Meets Eaton Brochure 03-401-2010 (Dry ASTM D943)
  • Meets ISO 15380 HEES (Dry ISO 4263-3)
  • Meets DIN 51524 Part 1, 2 & 3 (Dry ISO 4263-1)

Q. What ISO 6743-4 classification is the BioFlo Synthetic AW series of Biodegradable Hydraulic Fluids (full-synthetic)?

A. The BioFlo Synthetic AW-series of biodegradable hydraulic fluids meet the ISO 6743-4 class definition of an HEES.

  • HEES = Hydraulic Environmental Ester oil Synthetic = A biodegradable hydraulic fluid which uses synthetic esters as the base fluid. Synthetic esters share a similar chemical structure to HETG types – but are synthesized rather than derived from natural sources).

The BioFlo Synthetic AW Series also:

  • Are in the USDA BioPreferred Program
  • Classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) as perthe EPA’s guidance document that defines standards for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EPA 800-R-11-002) and as required by EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)
  • Meets Parker Denison HF-1, HF-2, HF-6 (Dry ASTM D4310)
  • Meets Eaton Brochure 03-401-2010 (Dry ASTM D943)
  • Meets ISO 15380 HEES (Dry ISO 4263-3)
  • Meets DIN 51524 Part 1, 2 & 3 (Dry ISO 4263-1)

Q. What ISO 6743-4 classification is the BioFlo HFDU-series of Biodegradable Fire-Resistant Hydraulic Fluids (full- synthetic)?

A. The BioFlo HFDU-series of biodegradable hydraulic fluids meet the ISO 6743-4 class definition of an HFDU.

  • HFDU = Synthetic anhydrous liquids – other than phosphate ester … Polyol Ester or PAG … (more resistant than HFDR, HFDS, or HFDT)

The BioFlo HFDU series are also:

  • FM (Factory Mutual) Approved as a fire resistant hydraulic fluid
  • Are in the USDA BioPreferred Program
  • Classified as Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EAL’s) as per the EPA’s guidance document that defines standards for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EPA 800-R-11-002) and as required by EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP)

Q. Are your Hydraulic fluids available in a sheen free formulation?

A.  Many of our hydraulic fluids can be formulated to be sheen free please contact us with your request.

Q. Do hydraulic OEM’s generally recognize the ISO 6743-4 hydraulic fluid classifications?

 A. BioBlend is a manufacturer and marketer of bio-lube and food grade technologies (some BioBlend food grade technologies are based on bio-H1 technologies versus conventional white oil H1 technologies). While we can’t speak directly for equipment OEM’s, a cursory evaluation of hydraulic fluid equipment OEM websites demonstrates the ISO classifications for hydraulic fluids are being used.

Browse all of our categories of products here – https://www.bioblend.com/products/

Do you have more questions about BioBlend’s products? Do you need a quote? Are you looking for a great opportunity to private label some renewable and biodegradable lubricants in your own line? Call us today at: 630.227.1800 or visit our home page – https://www.bioblend.com/ – and click and fill out the “Contact/Quote” form in the upper right hand corner of our home page.